Tracking Your PPC ROI

Internet marketing can be very intangible. Although Google Adwords and MSN AdCenter gives you valuable data, it doesn’t show you the complete success of your PPC campaign. It’s hard to see the results, when nearly every part of the sales process is done online.

Your sponsored ads might drive 80% of the traffic to your e-commerce page, and you might not even have a clue that your PPC campaign is working well. It can be very difficult to understand how much money you are making (if any) from your PPC campaign if you do not take the right steps to learn its profitability.

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The Power of Social Media & Networking

Social media has changed the way people receive and share information. Networking and social recommendations (such as the “Like” or “Recommend” buttons Facebook has available) are doing the research for us when it comes to looking up news and information. Technology has made it easy for people to share with one another news stories, bytes of information, and answers to questions. Just like the Internet took over the print press, it is helping social media take over news outlets, product placement, and is also helping customer service improve.

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What Motivates You To Work?

As we all have our own individual passions, strengths, and what I like to call inspirational motives, we sometimes have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, “Why am I here?” and “Why is the world better because of me?”

In today’s world, it’s rare to be able to combine our passions with our jobs. I truly believe that it’s the responsibility of companies today to create a culture and for employees to find a culture that fits them and can utilize their strengths. If those two things don’t align, how can success be possible?

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Social Media: Why Bother?

Social Media can be defined as “participatory online media that utilizes the group to write and direct content, rather than a read-only media. Allows for direct contact between participants.”

Social Media dominates the lives of people in the United States on a daily basis. Whether you like it or not, Social Media is the present and the future, and there is no turning back. Your competition may already know that Social Media is a necessary component of marketing in today’s world, and they may or may not be taking advantage of that. Don’t wait to find out. Expand your web presence by starting a strategic Social Media Marketing campaign.

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Keeping The Culture

We have all had those jobs where we would rather pull out our teeth than have to go into work. The bed always seems a little cozier. Hitting snooze a minimum of 5 times a morning is routine. You dread Mondays and celebrate Fridays. This can all be an effect of ill company culture.

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New Horizons

The majority of people who enter the job world approach their work with a very simple purpose: to get the most they can from their job while giving the least possible to their job. Ironically, we often value our work to the extent that it serves and upbuilds us, instead of doing work as the vocation it was meant to be: giving of ourselves to meet the needs of those who use our services.

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Marketing 101: The SWOT Analysis

When implementing any new marketing strategy, it is important to conduct a SWOT analysis for your business. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is pronounced the same way as SWAT, but unfortunately it isn’t as interesting as Samuel L. Jackson in a bullet-proof vest breaking down a wall. To get a better understanding of what SWOT means, let’s expand on each topic.

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6 Ways to Make an Effective Landing Page

Creating an excellent landing page is like perfecting a sales pitch. Everything you say and do is crafted to entice your prospective customer, and your ulterior motive is to compel him or her to act. The role of a landing page is exactly that—to be a strategic, well-constructed site that is specifically designed to convert prospects to leads.

Here are 6 ways to make your landing page effective:

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