
What Motivates You To Work?

As we all have our own individual passions, strengths, and what I like to call inspirational motives, we sometimes have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, “Why am I here?” and “Why is the world better because of me?”

In today’s world, it’s rare to be able to combine our passions with our jobs. I truly believe that it’s the responsibility of companies today to create a culture and for employees to find a culture that fits them and can utilize their strengths. If those two things don’t align, how can success be possible?

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Keeping The Culture

We have all had those jobs where we would rather pull out our teeth than have to go into work. The bed always seems a little cozier. Hitting snooze a minimum of 5 times a morning is routine. You dread Mondays and celebrate Fridays. This can all be an effect of ill company culture.

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New Horizons

The majority of people who enter the job world approach their work with a very simple purpose: to get the most they can from their job while giving the least possible to their job. Ironically, we often value our work to the extent that it serves and upbuilds us, instead of doing work as the vocation it was meant to be: giving of ourselves to meet the needs of those who use our services.

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